Summer Sun

Summer break is my favorite time of the year—for the obvious reasons of having the boys at home more, longer days, a lighter work schedule, the warmer weather, and getting in some travel with the family.

But there is another reason I love summer break.

More time in the sun, specifically in the morning.

Yes, the sun is available to me throughout most of the year—well we have nice 2-3 month run of crummy gray weather here in Indiana where the sun is sporadic and the weather is cold, but yes, technically I could find more time to be in the sun outside of summer break.

The difference between summer break and the rest of the year is during the summer I am able to move a little slower in the morning without the morning school routine. For ten months of the year, I’m already getting the boys ready for school before the sun comes up, and once that routine starts the day is off to the races—no time to sit in the sun and drink my morning coffee, do a little journaling, meditate, and write the day’s Daily Note.

My ideal day starts out like this Every. Single. Day.

I know there are doctors recommending getting outside and looking at the sun within a certain amount of time from when you wake up and have tons of data and studies to back it up—I don’t need the studies and I don’t need data.

I know how I feel and that’s all the data I need. 

If I’m being honest, it’s probably the combination of the sun and the feeling of knowing that I have the time to enjoy it that makes summer morning so great—I’m up early enough not to have to rush through my summer break morning routine so I know I can just sit, take a break from writing, and listen to the birds while noticing the warmth of the sun on my face. Sometimes I find my Self just staring at the blue sky without a thought in my mind—fully present in the moment.

If you have the luxury or the ability to make time for your Self to sit in the morning sun this summer, I encourage you to do so—no need to read any studies or listen to any podcasts, just listen to your body, your mind, and even your spirit…they will all tell you what you need to know.

And I’m willing to bet it’s a little more time in the morning in the sun, with nature, and moving at a slightly slower pace to fully immerse your Self in those moments.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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