Be You

You can’t live your authentic life if you aren’t your authentic Self.

It can be intimidating to embrace your authenticity and be YOU. Especially, if your authentic Self is a very different version of the YOU you are displaying. It’s even more intimidating if your authentic Self is different from what society has established as “the norm”.

Don’t allow your true authentic Self to be hidden because of the limitations of others. You deserve to experience your authentic life and we all deserve to experience the authentic You. Our authentic life becomes a better experience when you live your authentic life because you are bringing to the world a unique gift that we need.

There is something only YOU can do as your authentic Self that no one else in the world can do as well as you. We need you to find that skill or talent and then share it with us. More importantly, YOU need to find that skill or talent.

So be YOU.

Embrace your “good”, your “bad”, your “beautiful”, your “ugly” and everything in between. 

Depending where you are in the pursuit of your authentic life, the next steps you might need to take are allowing yourself to find your authentic Self. You’ll never find the authentic life you are meant to experience if you aren’t first your authentic Self.

If you’ve found YOU…embrace it, share it, and continue to follow your heart.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



There Are No Absolutes


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