Creativity Comes From Our Heart

I wasn’t always creative. 

Or at least I didn’t always express my creativity in ways that I could recognize. It wasn’t until I started writing a blog for my financial planning firm that I began to tap in and reconnect with my inner Creator. Since we became reacclimated I’ve begun to identify as a Creator and enjoy creating in a variety of ways–writing, podcasts, creating videos, art, photography, and I’m sure I’ll continue to explore.

Once I became a Creator again great things happened. 

My business grew. I met interesting people and formed lifelong friendships. My thinking grew. I evolved into a better version of my Self–as a husband, father, financial advisor, and every hat I might wear.

I am a happier version of my Self because of expressing my inner Creator.

It took me a while to realize why creating and expressing myself led me on an exciting and enlightening journey–ultimately leading me to my authentic life. Part of this journey led me to reading more about metaphysics, the laws of The Universe, and introduced me to people like Bob Proctor, Eckhard Tolle, Abraham Hicks, Deepak Chopra, Joe Dispenza, and more. Studying these leaders, and others, exposed me to ideas that I had already known and was living but didn’t realize, and once I understood why optimism is so powerful, how the law of attraction works, and the role of positive and negative energy in our lives I could better use these forces to my benefit.

Note: Regardless of your religious background and beliefs, I encourage you to read or listen to some of the work of these individuals–do so with an open mind and notice the connection to what you might already believe and how you might have already experienced what they teach. It could be life changing.

Through my studies, I came to understand the reason expressing my creativity has helped align my spirit, mind, body, and money and led me to my current authentic life is because creativity comes from our heart. Our heart is where our passion comes from which then spurs our creativity–it is our heart that fuels creativity. As we express our creativity we are tapping into our passion and it becomes our guide.

The work that comes from expressing our Self exposes us to areas in life we are interested in but may not know yet, and as we spend more time in those areas, we learn more about our Self and continue to pursue those interests. Our heart is leading us through our passion expressed in our creative work to the areas in life we are supposed to be, at that time.

The creativity that comes from our heart is so powerful because our heart is our direct connection to The Universe, Higher Power, or our Source. This is why when you begin to follow your passion it brings joy, excitement, and it consumes your mind–it’s all you want to do. 

If you haven’t reconnected with your inner Creator, find time to experiment with different creative outlets. See what you enjoy and what you don’t. Follow the outlets you enjoy and let your passion be your guide. You don’t have to but I encourage you to share your creative work with the world–The Universe chose you to create that work as only you could do. Sharing your work amplifies the benefits of expressing your creativity and brings you closer to your authentic life faster.

And then enjoy the process, continue to listen to your heart, and see where you end up.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



What Does A Creator Look LIke?


Don’t Force It