Don’t Force It

Even the most creative individuals experience periods of time when a mental block or distractions keep them from making progress on their work.

These productivity bottlenecks aren’t exclusive to Creators. You might experience a similar impediment through a lack of motivation to complete tasks around the house, low energy preventing you from hitting the gym, or brain fog keeping you from finishing a project at work.

It won’t always be the case, sometimes you just have to push through, but not forcing the household tasks, trip to the gym, or finishing the project at that time is the best course of action.

Forcing something that’s not there, or when the timing isn’t right, will only lead to frustration, added stress, and most likely redoing the mediocre work that was forced to be completed.

Sometimes, you just have to walk away and let it be. Give yourself an opportunity to rest, refocus, and come back to the task at hand. 

There’s a good chance whatever it is you’re working on can wait until you’ve overcome the mental block that has you stuck.

This comes to you after 75 minutes of starting, stopping, staring at a blank Google Doc, and then starting new notes. Only after I decided to shut my computer down and not force the post did the idea for today’s note hit me.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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