What Does A Creator Look LIke?

If you’re having a hard time viewing yourself as a Creator, try widening the lens through which you are looking through.

We are all Creators, we just don’t all create art in the traditional sense. Not every Creator is an artist, musician, writer, graphic designer, music producer, or other profession we associate with expressing creativity.

You are a Creator. You may just express yourself in ways we don’t normally consider creative:

  • Gardening

  • Cooking

  • Powerpoint presentations at work

  • Speaking

  • Playing a sport

  • Putting together your outfits

  • Cutting/styling hair

  • Decorating rooms

  • Knitting/sewing

  • Starting a business

I could continue this list and it would go on for as long as I could think of a task. There is a creative way to do everything and there is something that YOU do that no one else does as creatively as you. You create a unique was of doing something, which makes you a Creator.

If you were to lean into your creativity it will most likely spread to other areas of your life–when you connect with your inner Creator, she finds ways to express herself in everything you do.

The act of creating, the way only you can, moves you one step closer to your authentic life.

You are a Creator.

You might not view yourself as one, yet. If you’re looking for where you express your creativity, start with the activities you enjoy the most–there’s a good chance your creativity comes out when you are doing those, which is no coincidence.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Take Care of Your Future Self


Creativity Comes From Our Heart