Stop Living For OThers (1.17.23)

The sooner you realize seeking the approval of others is counterproductive to your goals, the sooner you will free yourself to create and pursue your authentic Self.

It’s not easy, I struggle with it myself, but allowing the opinions of others to determine what we create, the risks we take, and how we live our lives prevents us from finding our authentic life because we’re too busy chasing the life others are trying to create for us. There’s no one who knows you better than you, yet at times, we all silence our inner voice to hear the voices on the outside.

Those outside voices are battling their own struggles to find their authentic Self and end up placing their own fears, frustrations, and unhappiness on you—so, even if the opinions of the outside voices mattered, you’re only getting projections of themselves on you…it’s not even feedback on whatever it is you’re doing.


Feedback is valuable but it should be used to help you grow as an individual, Creator, entrepreneur, or employee—not to feed your ego, determine your self-worth, or validate your place in this world.

This weekend I took a screenshot of a quote from author Yung Pueblo,

“People pleasing will stop you from being authentic and it will also disconnect you from yourself.

Trying to control and mange the perceptions of other people is always a losing battle.

The opposite of people pleasing is having deep acceptance of who you are and letting your truth lead you.”

As Yung Pueblo highlights, the best way to allow feedback to help you perfect your craft but not impact your confidence is to have a “deep acceptance of who you are and letting your truth lead you”. To find your truth and accept who YOU are you might want to pursue the connection of mind, body and spirit—when you are connected to each and they are in alignment, you will better know yourself and trying to please everyone will become less important to you.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



The Paradox of Presence Vs. Planning (1.18.23)


You’re the Sky (1.16.23)