You’re the Sky (1.16.23)

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.”

-Pema Chodron

At the beginning of my meditation this morning, the guide reference this quote from Pema and I made a mental note to come back to it for today’s note.

If you look the quote up you will see that the reference to the sky and the weather is meant to describe how we should approach meditation—our thoughts are the weather passing by and we, like the sky, should be still and let them pass.

Not everyone reading this meditates so I’d like to take this quote and apply it to life—go beyond meditation…I’m sure you can already see extending this quote to life is hardly a stretch.

In your lifetime you will experience all kinds of events.

Some will be good.

Some will be bad.

In the times of the bad events, remember that you are the sky and whatever is happening is just the weather. It will pass, just like the spring storm in the night. Storms don’t last forever, and no matter how devastating they might be, we always recover and rebuild stronger than we were before.

You will too.

In the times of the good events, remember that you are the sky and whatever is happening is the weather. It too will pass, just like the spring storm in the night. Storms don’t last forever, and you should enjoy, cherish, and be present in the moment so to maximize the good while it is there.

No matter what is going on in your life, remember that it will pass—you are the sky and everything else is just the weather.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Stop Living For OThers (1.17.23)


Knowing When To Take a Break (1.15.23)