Look Good, Feel Good, Be Good (1.11.23)

For YOU.

To be the best version of yourself, you need to feel your best, and how we feel about ourself often starts with how we view ourself.

Whatever makes you view yourself in a confident, happy, and optimistic way is what you should be doing.

This could include:

  • the clothes you wear

  • your hairstyle

  • your exercise routine

  • the music you listen

  • and an endless etc. depending on what is authentic to you.

The goal of “looking good”, or how you view yourself, is not rooted in narcissism. It is not about looking good for others—it’s about looking good for YOU, which sets of the string of positive dominoes leading you to being your best.

You define “good”, no one else.

The positive energy radiating because you feel good will take care of everything else externally.

If you’re not leaving the house each day feeling yourself take some time to think about when you feel your best—what were you wearing, what were you doing, and what it was about that memory that was “good”?

Then look to recreate those details as much as possible.

I’ve mentioned this before, but Ram Dass said our greatest gift to the world is to be the best version of your Self and if you’re not feeling good, you can’t be your best.

So, look good for YOU, and you will feel good.

And when you feel good, you will be good.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Winks From The Universe (1.12.23)


Synchronicity (1.10.23)