Synchronicity (1.10.23)

Have you ever had moments in life where everything just seemed to be in sync?

Lately, it seems like everything is working unison and I’m living in a constant state of synchronicity. My current experience of synchronicity has been a work in progress that started back in 2020 when I worked with a meditation coach for six months. It was during this relationship that I began to connect with my mind and spirit and started down the path of identifying who I really was and what I really wanted in life. Prior to working with Jean, I had some awareness but I had never really spent time thinking, questioning, and paying close attention to my passions and listening to my heart.

I first noticed synchronicity when I noticed that if I just thought about someone, if the happened to cross my mind, and didn’t reach out to them, within 48 hours I would receive an email or phone call from them. I realized when a client' randomly crossed my mind, it was because we were momentarily operating on a similar frequency, most likely one related to money, and they had a need I could help address. This became a bit of a cheat code—I could proactively reach out to clients when they needed me without them even telling me.

This still happens.


Last week I hit peak synchronicity (for now). These daily notes are an important contributor to the connectedness across mind, body, spirit, and money, which is no coincidence the focus of PRST.

At some point, I’ll go into greater detail about how all aspects of my professional life are finally connected and how it ties into my personal life but in short PRST’s mission of helping more people connect mind, body, spirit, and money in their PRST of their authentic life now has a direct connection to RLS Wealth in a new relationship I am rolling out (this is the first time I’ve mentioned this relationship). There will be new free and low cost offerings coming out of PRST that will not only help people get started connecting the important areas of life but also help me evolve into the speaker I mentioned in my daily affirmations note a few days back.

After nearly 8 years of building, experimenting, following my intuition, and a lot of pivots I’ve finally found my “thing”—the topic and impact I can have on the world that no one else can do as good as me. How do I know this?



I can only speculate from my personal experience but I don’t think synchronicity can be forced. I’m not even sure you can find it.

I think it just happens.

Synchronicity becomes a byproduct of doing work on yourself—working towards finding your authentic life, going deeper into the things and with the people who align with your authentic life, reducing those that do not, and getting to a point where you are thinking less and “being” more.

For me, meditation, journaling, yoga, weight training and Peloton rides, eliminating “waste” in the budget, sharing with my family, practicing gratitude, and continuing to follow my passion have all contributed to my synchronicity.

Will they work for you?

I’m not sure.

But, intentionally choosing what you do, who you surround yourself with, noting what aligns with your authentic life (and what doesn’t), prioritizing your health, and paying attention to the little signs the Universe provides are a good start.

Again, probably not a surprise that it appears if you are able to connect mind, body, spirit, and money you will be on your way to finding synchronicity.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Look Good, Feel Good, Be Good (1.11.23)


It’s The Intent That Matters (1.9.23)