Winks From The Universe (1.12.23)

“Yo, I got you…I’m right here.”

-The Universe

If you’re paying attention, The Universe (or your choice of Higher Power) is letting you know it has your back with little winks, or as my friend Emily Binder calls them “Beetle Moments”. Sometimes these winks have a greater meaning and others they are just to remind you there is a Higher Power conspiring with you to achieve the goals you set and live your authentic life.

I’ve noticed the more I’ve connected my mind, body, and spirit the more I catch these winks. It makes me wonder how many of these signs did I miss throughout my life, especially the last few years when I was burning myself out?

The past is the past—it doesn’t matter what I missed, only that I am present now to catch as many as possible.


I can only speak to my experience and those of others who have shared their experiences with me, and it shouldn’t be a surprise that the Universe reveals itself to us in different ways—ones unique to the individual.

Some winks I’ve heard others talk about:

  • recurring numbers (seeing a number like 7 frequently)

  • looking at the clock at a specific time (1:11, 4:44, 11:11, etc)

  • seeing certain animals

  • songs coming on the radio in line with a current thought

As I was reflecting on the winks I’ve caught, I remembered a few I thought I’d share:


Just this week an image of the body’s chakra caught my eye. I’ve never spent any time looking at the colors and what they mean—the concept of chakras is relatively new to me. As I worked up the body, I came to sacral chakra which is represented by orange…orange is one of the main colors for RLS Wealth and carried over to PRST (it’s the main color for PRST).

The sacral chakra is believed to be the source of creativity and abundance.

Without going into a long connection of creativity and abundance to both RLS Wealth and PRST, they are both important characteristics of both brands AND characteristic I personally identify with. Earlier this year I created daily affirmations, one of which is “I live in abundance…”.

Of course orange would become an important color to me and this week the Universe winked at me letting me know it was with me years ago when I chose the colors for RLS Wealth…little did I know back then that the color I was choosing for my financial planning firm would follow me to other brands I would create.


While making updates on the RLS Wealth website, which was updated to its current version around 4 years ago, I noticed a few words chosen back then that hold more weight today than when I chose them with my web developer back then.

  • pursuit (PRST wasn’t even a thought back then)

  • intersection of life and money (fast forward to connecting mind, body, spirit, and money—the first three represent “life”)

  • align

Those words chosen with intent set the stage for what was coming years later and when noticing it this week, I thought to myself, “Of course we would use those words”…the Universe winked letting me know I’ve always been on this path, even if I didn’t know it back then.

And to take it one step further with words on the website, we used the word “turnkey” to describe the opposite of our approach at RLS Wealth. Earlier this year my close friend Tyrone Ross launched an exciting start up called….Turnqey, which is pronounce “turnkey”. Just a little wink from the Universe showing how Tyrone and I have a unique connection.


On All About Your Benjamins I shared the story of a message I saw in NYC that was the result of Google Maps taking me off a straight path to my destination for a block to see the graffiti and then taking me right back on the path I was on. You can read that story here…

I could go on and on with examples…I didn’t even go into my bald eagle sightings but I think you get the point.


The secret to seeing these winks is not searching for them but remaining open and aware to receive them.

The Universe will reveal itself when you are present, have alignment of your mind, body, and spirit, and you are operating with clarity and awareness.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Creativity Through Contraints (1.13.23)


Look Good, Feel Good, Be Good (1.11.23)