
Being self-aware is more than just being able to understand your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions; it’s more than just knowing who you are, what you want, how you feel, and why you do what you do.

Self-awareness also requires you to take action when you realize you are out of alignment with who you are. 

It’s one thing to have the awareness that something you are about to do does not align with who you are, but exercising true self-awareness would be stopping your Self from following through because you know it is not the right thing to do.

It’s one thing to have the awareness that the thoughts occupying your mind do not align with the life you are trying to design, but exercising true self-awareness would be practicing mindfulness in order to change your thoughts to ones that align with where you are going.

It’s one thing to be aware that you are unhappy/frustrated/discontent with your current life, but exercising true self-awareness would be taking action to begin moving toward the life you want to live–maybe even finding your authentic life in the process.

Having self-awareness in the form of an internal dialogue or intuitive feeling of understanding your Self is only part of the equation; the second part requires you to listen to that dialogue or feeling and act, especially when it requires you to take action in a way that you might not want to.

Being able to combine action with understanding will prove very useful as you pursue your authentic life.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



The Evolving Self


Few Wants