Your Crew (1.5.23)

“You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

-Jim Rohn

We’ve all heard Rohn’s quote, yet I’m not sure we all take this to heart.

I was reminded of how important it is to be surrounded by positive, uplifting, supportive, honest, and motivating people during my monthly call with two of my friends. Every first Wednesday of the month the three of us hop on Zoom at 9:00 EST to talk. We discuss business (we are all financial advisors), parenting, marriage, creative ventures, health, and anything else that might come up—we have no agenda other than showing up and seeing where the conversation takes us.

These two men I would consider a couple of my closest friends—we fill in the time between monthly calls with text messages and sometimes additional calls—and I’m fortunate to have them in my life. I know that I am a better husband, father, financial advisor, and person because of our conversations, their support, their accountability, and their influence.

And not only am I fortunate to have them in my life, but I’m spoiled because I have multiple groups like this and other individuals I have similar relationships with. Without intent, I created a tremendous network of amazing people and I have way more than 5 exceptional people to bring up my average.

When I launched PRST and was looking for a meaning behind the acronym, I established the ‘R’ stood for relationships. Life can be an uphill battle, but if you are surrounded by great people who are like-minded, supportive, and want to see you succeed that battle becomes a little easier.

Don’t underestimate who you surround yourself with.

If you’re not on the path you want to be on, after looking internally to see what you can be doing different, take a look at your crew.

Are they heading in the same direction?

Do they support you? Do you support them?

Do they make you happy?

Do they challenge you to become better?

Can you trust them?

Your answers to these types of questions may lead you to having some tough conversations but it will be for the best—for both you and the person you’ve outgrown.

Your PRST is not a solo journey, so make sure you have a strong crew to support you in all aspects of life.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Simplicity (1.6.23)


Daily Notes (1.4.23)