Daily Notes (1.4.23)

I can’t get a video I saw on Instagram out of my head.

Before I share the subject of the video, let me be fully transparent and admit I did not do any additional research to fact check the new information I learned. Truthfully, whether or not it is true does not matter for today’s notes. But, as you’ll see, I don’t think a lot of research needs to be done to verify at least SOME truth to the video. Ok, back to the video…

It was either New Year’s Eve or Day and I saw a thumbnail that caught my eye, “Can we stop celebrating New Year’s in the middle of winter?”


The man in the video went on to explain how the Romans added the months of January and February to line the calendar up with the lunar calendar, which was the calendar they followed for worship.


And then he addressed the months of October, November, and December.

Oct = 8

Nove = 9

Dec = 10

(he forgot Sept = 7)

Despite the prefixes we all know, October is the 10th month, November is the 11th, and December is the 12th—this doesn’t match up to the prefixes. However, if you start with March as 1, removing January and February, then October becomes the 8th, November the 9th, and December the 10th months…


I don’t know about you but I’ve never even questioned why October was the 10th month and not the 8th. The answer might just be because some powerful man said it was supposed to be that way and everyone has followed it without question.


When was the last time you questioned different aspects of your life?

  • Why did you chose your profession?

  • Why did you pick your major in college or why did you go to college?

  • Why do you practice your religion?

  • Why do you hold your core beliefs?

You might be surprised to learn that much of what you have “chosen” in life or believe in traces back to someone (most likely a rich powerful man) making a decision generations ago that was forced upon people and eventually was accepted as the norm.

Now this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The calendar having 12 months instead of 10 isn’t really impacting any of our lives in a noticeable way but it is a great example of something we all follow and believe in that may not align with your values.

The exercise of revisiting who you are, your beliefs, and how you approach you life and asking “why” to it all could be an eye-opening experience. You may find out the profession you have chosen was heavily influenced by your parents and isn’t even a profession you enjoy or find purpose. This realization could lead you down a path of redesigning you life in a more meaningful and fulfilling way for you—your authentic life.

Or, by asking “why” of your religion you may reaffirm your beliefs and further strengthen your faith.

Challenging your beliefs should not an act you fear. There are two outcomes and both of them are positives.

  1. You realize the belief/action/“thing” you are questioning does not really align with your authentic life or is actually a creation of someone else you just accepted without question. If this is the outcome, you have the freedom to make changes in your life that are more true to YOU.

  2. You confirm the belief/action/“thing”. No action necessary and you can find peace knowing you are being true to yourself.

The challenge to start asking “why” more is not to create more skeptics, conspiracy theorists, or unhappy people. It’s actually the opposite. It’s to help more people find their authentic life…the life, beliefs, and actions that were meant for and chosen by them.

Jadakiss was onto something back in the day…

Ok, if you want to see the IG video that sparked this post click here to see the video…

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Your Crew (1.5.23)


Daily Notes (1.3.23)