Daily Notes (1.3.23)

20 hours.

Yesterday we spent 20 hours in the car on our way home from Marco Island—we decided to push it and drive straight through with only stops for gas and food, which we were able to group together so we just made 3 stops.

For periods of time during the drive I contemplated when I would have Ang take the wheel so I could rest my eyes a little and write my daily notes for 1.2.22—I have a lot of thoughts from vacation that I want to get out of my journal and onto this blog—but I ended up staying behind the wheel for the full trip and had no internal issues with missing a daily notes just four days in.

Consistency is a common topic of discussion when building habits, and is even more common for Creators. Over the years I’ve adopted a definition of consistence that is more lenient. Missing one day of writing does not take away from consistency if I end up writing most days out of the year. I’ve seen too many Creators stop creating because they missed a day or two and “messed up their consistency”…as far as I’m aware there is no award for most consecutive days posting, so don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself in a car for 20 hours and can’t write you daily post or you just don’t feel like creating one day.

Consistency was not my intended topic for today’s notes, so that is a little bonus for today.


I shared with The AGC™ this morning that my word for 2023 is “simplify”. In the last year I have found clarity in the direction of all of my businesses (RLS Wealth, The AGC™, and PRST™) and how they all connect. In finding this clarity, I’ve also identified a number of areas that do not move these brands forward and therefore no longer serve a purpose in my PRST.

By simplifying how I spend my energy, money, and attention I will have more of those for the things and people that matter the most. By subtracting I’m actually adding to the success and progress I will have in 2023.

Some areas I’ve trimmed or will be trimming:

  • technology for RLS Wealth This makes running the firm more efficient, easier for clients, and saves a significant amount of money which can be used to enhance the client experience in more meaningful ways.

  • taking on new clients I’ve been done taking new clients for a couple of years, yet I still continue to take on clients because I have a hard time saying no to people I like and get excited about helping. But in 2023, I am significantly limiting new clients to RLS Wealth. I am finalizing the details of a new relationship, LifeDesign+, which is a hybrid of life coaching and financial planning. This is the only relationship I will take new clients in and am limiting new clients to one per month. The work that I will do in the new relationship excites me and is more in line with how I view my role as a financial advisor going forward but I cannot continue to grow PRST and be present in The AGC™ if I open RLS Wealth up too much.

  • who has access to my calendar I know this will be a challenge as I love connecting with new people and helping people. I will still (and always will) have some white space in my calendar for brain picking sessions, there will be far less than in the past. Between my time in The AGC™ (for financial advisors), the content that I create at PRST, All About Your Benjamins and now in these daily notes, the courses and products coming at PRST, and the appearances I make on other podcasts I am providing a lot of and different levels of access to me for anyone who might want it. Taking back some of my space allows me to create more to reach more people, which I think is a net positive in the long run.

  • travel for conferences I am only planning on going to a few conferences as an attendee and then only as a paid speaker for the rest. I plan to replace some of that old travel with intentional travel to spend quality time with individuals through in-person work sessions or having more time for myself and family by not traveling.

  • the number of “shows” for PRST On Our PRST is going to be the only podcast show for 2023. I enjoy interviews and have been told the episodes with guests are when I do my best work, so I’m going to pause Motivational Mondays, The PRST, and any other shows I had in mind.

  • negativity I’m an optimistic person and don’t consume much negative content but in 2023 I’ll be quick to trim negative people, information sources, etc. from all timelines. This isn’t getting rid of people with opposing views but removing people who have negative energy surrounding them.

  • shitty food For too long I’ve given myself a pass of “everything in moderation” or “live a little” when it comes to eating foods that I know aren’t good for me. As I look to continue to strengthen my own connection of mind, body, spirit and money I’m finally ready to focus on consuming real and lightly processed foods.

  • subscriptions no explanation needed

As you continue to get 2023 off to a great start I encourage you to take inventory of how you spend your time, energy, money, and attention and shed anything that does not move you forward, enhance your life, make you happy, or add value to your PRST.

If I could offer two recommendations on where to start:

  1. The content you consume

  2. The people in your life

Anything or anyone in those two categories that hold you back, bring negativity to your world, or do not make you happy need to go immediately. I know that is not easy and is especially difficult when it comes to people but if you are series about making 2023 a year that you want the momentum to continue into 2024 (see yesterday’s note), then these two might be the most important places where you can add by subtracting.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Daily Notes (1.4.23)


Daily Notes (1.1.23)