Daily Notes (1.1.23)

The new year is official.

I shared with Ang and a few friends via voice notes how I don’t view this new year as a fresh start. We’ve been conditioned to think of January 1 as a fresh start and a blank canvas and while I don’t think that’s a bad way to view the new 365 days, it doesn’t fit how I’m feeling this year.

2023 is just a continuation of the momentum built in 2022.

I don’t want a fresh start.

I don’t have anything that I want to do over. I’m not running away from 2022. In 2023, there are things from 2022 I want more of. There are also some things I want to less of to make more room for the things I want more of or for new things I didn’t even know I wanted.

For me 2023 is going to be centered around:

  • my health and spiritual journey

  • my family

  • RLS Wealth

  • The AGC™

  • PRST™

  • spending more quality time with fewer people

  • and creating content

That might sound like a lot but it’s all connected and many of those focuses overlap, which just feeds the momentum.


I haven’t always looked at a new year as a continuation. I’ve played the waiting for a fresh start game. I’ve waited until January to start something new, to make changes, to start eating better, or to get back to my workout routine. In those years I just felt like I needed to get to the end of the year and then I could start fresh. I don’t know why I had that mentality, other than that’s how I thought we were supposed to think—it’s how we are conditioned to view the calendar.

It’s a refreshing feeling to be running toward 2023 instead of away from 2022.

If you are feeling like you need a fresh start in 2023, take it. Start the new year, head in the direction you want to go, and be intentional about positioning yourself so 2024 becomes your year of continued momentum and not another need for a fresh start. You don’t have to go into the end of every year excited about the fresh start when the ball drops on New Year’s Eve (which we missed last night because the boys wanted to watch the end of the Georgia-Ohio State football game).

I hope you have such a great 2023 that you don’t want it to end…and that you want it to continue into 2024!


In my final day of meditating at the ocean I thought about the affirmations I want to recite this year. This will be the first time I’ve actively practiced daily affirmations and I thought I’d document them here. My plan is to start and end every meditation session by stating the following:

  • I am the best father and husband I have ever been.

  • I am a forward-thinking and innovative financial advisor who gets the most out of his clients.

  • I live in abundance…love, health, opportunity, money, etc.

  • I am in control of my emotions and exhibit patience…I do not get rattled.

  • I only consume healthy food…I no longer consume poisonous food.

  • I am in great health…whatever that may look like. I am conceding the image of health I have in my mind, although I believe it will match what is to be.

  • I am a highly sought after paid speaker on the connection of mind, body, spirit, and money in our PRST (pursuit) for our authentic life.

  • I have a routine but do not live by routine.

  • I know when to say no to be able to say yes later.

  • I love…

I encourage you to create a list, maybe not this long, to remind yourself of daily…good things will happen, I promise you.

A couple of cool things from this morning on the beach to bring today’s notes to an end. First, there were two dolphins within walking distance from the shore…it was so cool to see them close up in the wild.

Second, the morning fog created a “fogbow” (Roman named it this because “there wasn’t any rain, only fog”), which was something I had never seen before.

We’re off to get ready to watch the sunset into the ocean one more time and get ready for the 16+ hour drive home tomorrow morning.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Daily Notes (1.3.23)


Daily Notes (12.31.22)