Replay: “Are You Living Someone Else’s Life?”

The first talk of the Keep Pursuing Series, “are you living someone else’s life?” is now available to watch on YouTube and listen to your favorite podcast player—I’ve got your links below. If you wouldn’t mind giving a like and subscribing on YouTube and/or leaving a rating and review on the podcast, I would very much appreciate it 🙏!

My goal for the talk was not to answer whether you should be writing the script to your life or allowing someone else to influence or even write it for you. I don’t believe there is a universal answer for what your life should be like and who your authentic Self is. Those answers can only be found from within YOU.

However, I can share my experience, the experiences of others, and present ideas that can help you begin to look deeper within your Self.

I’m extremely happy with the turnout of the event, along with the message I was able to deliver. 


Apple Podcasts


See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



You Are Capable


Dig A Little Deeper