what’s your why?

A few years ago, I worked with a meditation and mindfulness coach, and he had me write out a personal mission statement. I had to eventually get my mission statement down to one word, which was (and still is) IMPACT.

When thinking about my Pursuit of my authentic life, an important factor in considering any decision is “what is my impact?” or “how will I make an impact?”

My “why” for everything is to make an impact, hopefully, a positive one, in everything that I do, every encounter I have with someone, and ultimately on Roman, Leo, and Silas. I don’t want to go through life just going through the motions–while I’m here, I want to know that I’m positively changing the lives of the people I come across and the world.

Knowing my why has been extremely helpful in making decisions along the way.

An opportunity to speak at a conference? What impact do I have on the audience through the subject matter?

Taking on a new client? Can I positively impact their life, or is someone else better suited to help them?

Creating content? Will this piece of content be meaningful and have an opportunity to impact someone, or is it content just for the sake of content?

Impact is my Northstar.

Do you know your “why?”

I encourage you to think about it over the weekend—start writing a longer mission statement and see if you can condense it down to one (maybe two) words. Then, use your why to help guide your decisions as you pursue your authentic life.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



effort > outcome


move your body