move your body

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”

– John F. Kennedy

No matter how hard we try, it seems every day gets busier and busier, and too often, our physical health takes a back seat to everything else. As I look back over the summer, which I can’t believe it’s already over for our boys, it went by in a blur. It seemed like every day was full of work, being a taxi driver, and fitting in some good family experiences—the summer of 2023 felt much more chill and slower than 2024.

I’d be lying if I said there weren’t more days than I care to admit that my workout routine was impacted by the boys' schedule and work this summer. Overall, I still hit my workout goals each week and took care of my physical body, but I had plans for a strong summer of physical transformation, which I haven’t quite accomplished, but now that we’re back on a regular schedule thanks to school, I’ll be able to catch up on the progress I didn’t make during the summer.

For me, that will come through more time lifting weights.

Not everyone enjoys lifting weights, has access to a gym, or has the support to make time for it. While plenty of studies show the importance and benefits of lifting weights, if that’s not your thing (yet), finding time just to get movement in is better than nothing.

Body weight movements.

When you think about finding time to just move your body, it becomes much easier to carve out a little time that will do so much for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

In today’s episode of LifeDesign+, you'll hear more about how getting up and moving your body has many physical and mental benefits. Hopefully, the act of getting up and moving with purpose each day can serve as the foundation for building a weight training program or something a little more intense.

And for the days that life interrupts your workout schedule, don’t beat your Self up. Instead, find some time to get some movement in for the mental and emotional benefits, if nothing else.

Tap into to day’s episode to hear more about the power of movement from one of my favorite yoga instructors, Trey.

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See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



what’s your why?


when old narratives die