when your body says yes

I’ve spent a large chunk of this morning being “lazy,” binge-watching Starting Five on Netflix, getting ideas out of my head and into Notion, and researching different breathwork training programs--it's been extremely refreshing being lazy for a bit.

Now isn’t the time, but in the next year, I’d like to start a program to become a breathwork facilitator to use in my LifeDesign+ work and even do small group sessions. I know that becoming a great facilitator will require me to learn different modalities for different occasions and needs. I don’t know which is “best,” but I don’t need to know that to get started–I’ve already ordered some books to begin reading as I continue my research for the right training.

One of the trainings I found today had an introductory video with the founder, and she casually mentioned something that I loved,

“When the body says yes, you’ll figure out the rest.”

- Samantha Skelly

How many times have you felt like you were supposed to do something, but your mind talked you out of it?

“That’s crazy.”

“You can’t do that.”

“You won’t have the time.”

“There’s no way you will be able to accomplish that.”

When your body tells you to do something or move in a new direction, listen to it more than what your mind tells you—you can bring your mind up to speed later.

As the quote suggests, the doubts your mind presents will be overcome when you follow what your body tells you.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



rest up


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