your influences

If you’re having trouble finding the path to your authentic life, step back and examine the influences and people you admire the most. See if you can find any commonalities that can help provide some clarity.

Who are your favorite business people to follow?

Your favorite musicians?

Your favorite unknown people?

What do you notice about them, and is there anything common among them all?

A few of my influences and people I admire are (in no particular order):

Chris Brickley (basketball and business)
Russ (music and business)
Nipsey Hussle (music and business)
Rich Roll (podcast)
Chris Williamson (podcast)
J. Cole (music and life)
Kendrick Lamar (music and business)
Rick Rubin (music and business)
George Kinder (finance and life planning)
Bimma Williams (branding and marketing)
Jack Butcher (branding and creating)

I won’t share what I see in common among these individuals, but I definitely see a few things.

The goal is not to imitate the people on your list but to see if the common characteristics among the people you admire tell YOU anything.

Maybe you are supposed to remember those common characteristics as you move closer to your authentic Self. Or maybe there is a different meaning.

Only you will know…but you will know.

There is a reason you are drawn to certain people and you should consider that as you think about your own Pursuit.

See you tomorrow (or later today) and keep pursuing,



when your body says yes


what do you actually want?