rest up

As I mentioned in yesterday’s Note, I started the day being lazy–laying on the couch, binge-watching Starting Five on Netflix, and researching different breathwork trainings.

My lazy Sunday didn’t stop there.

I did some reading.
I watched some football.
I took a couple of short naps.
I cut the backyard.
I watched two movies on the couch with Silas in the evening.

I didn’t think about work, I didn’t think about writing anything, and I didn’t feel the need to be on my computer planning for the upcoming week.

I just relaxed and rested up.

This morning is the first day of fall break, which has transformed from a Thursday and Friday off, back in my day, to an entire week off now. I intentionally have a light week to enjoy some one-on-one time with Leo since Roman is in Florida with a friend’s family and Ang and Silas take off for a few days at Disney. I have some client meetings early this week, and then Leo and I take off for East Lansing, so I can speak in a couple of financial planning classes at Michigan State University and then do some fishing in and around Lansing.

My alarm went off at its usual time this morning, and for a second, I thought about getting up and kicking off my regular morning routine, but then I decided to continue my restful Sunday into the beginning of the week. I set my alarm for 8:30 and went back to sleep—a time not possible during a regular week due to school schedules and maybe even conditioning from the world that the work week is supposed to start early.

I’ve now been up for about an hour and feel refreshed and energized.

I could have ignored my body’s request for rest yesterday and today because “rest is for the weak.” But I’m thankful I took advantage of a rare quiet Sunday and the opportunity to “sleep in” this morning.

I know these opportunities are few and far between for me, mainly because of the boys’ busy schedules, so I’m going to make sure I get more comfortable with being “lazy” when the opportunity presents itself so I can be ready to go when my schedule picks back up.

I want to encourage you to find time to be lazy, relax, and rest up—you will be grateful when you do.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



why you had to go down the wrong road


when your body says yes