be careful who you take advice from

I was listening to a podcast yesterday, I’m pretty sure it was Chase Jarvis on Jay Clouse’s Creator Science (I often listen to multiple shows a day) and Chase said something that really stood out to me.

He shared a similar sentiment as I did in my Keep Pursuing series last fall about the guidance and advice we get from our loved ones; they place their limitations, fears, and objections on us, not because they want to see us unhappy but because they love us and are afraid to see us fail, get hurt, or be disappointed. They think they are helping us by keeping us from pursuing the life we want to live, but really they are extending the chain of individuals who never give their Selves the chance to live out their dreams and realize their purpose.

“And yet, we end up taking advice not from people who are living our dreams. We end up taking advice from people who have given up on theirs.”

​- Chase Jarvis

Man, that quote is so powerful and real.

Who are you taking advice from as you pursue your authentic life?

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



don’t wish away today


don’t damn the river