don’t damn the river

“A river of material flows through us. When we share our works and our ideas, they are replenished. If we block the flow by holding them all inside, the river cannot run and new ideas are slow to appear.

​In the abundant mindset, the river never runs dry. Ideas are always coming through. And an artist is free to release them with the faith that more will arrive.

​If we live in a mindset of scarcity, we hoard great ideas.”

​-Rick Rubin

It’s been a while since I’ve written about the importance of expressing your Self creatively as you pursue your authentic life. Creativity has not become less important in my Pursuit; in fact, it continues to become more important than ever.

Your creative work doesn’t necessarily have to be shared with the world, although I highly recommend doing so because you never know how others will receive it; my exploration of music production is a great example of sharing despite just learning how to make music. You creating should first before you—because you enjoy it, because it is leading you toward a new version of your Self, and because it is promoting your personal growth. Anything beyond your personal reasons is the cherry on the top of your creative sundae.

“In terms of priority, inspiration comes first. You come next. The audience comes last.”

​-Rick Rubin

We all have a Creator inside us, but so many of us have had it silenced over the years–mine was muted for years, only occasionally being able to show itself on the basketball court, in how I dressed, and in problem-solving. The problem was I didn’t realize that I was exhibiting creativity in those areas, so I never considered my Self creative. Fast forward to 2015, when I started writing for my All About Your Benjamins Blog and then the podcast which turned into videos and more, the Creator in me came out as the Hulk does in Bruce Banner.

When you begin to connect with your inner Creator don’t put any pressure on the work—create what feels natural and create for your Self.

“All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now.”

​- Rick Rubin

There are many guides along your Pursuit—the Universe, intuition, experiences of others, and your Inner Creator (and there are many others).

Don’t forget about that last one—it’s a powerful and enjoyable guide!

“Living life as an artist is a practice.
You are either engaging in the practice or you’re not.

It makes no sense to say you’re not good at it.
It’s like saying, “I’m not good at being a monk.”
You are either living as a monk or you’re not.

​We tend to think of the artist’s work as the output.

​The real work of the artist
is a way of being in the world.”

-Rick Rubin

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



be careful who you take advice from


life’s short