don’t wish away today

“I have a rule in my life, and the rule is: Never wish for less time. Waiting for things to be over is just wishing for less time. Waiting for this to be over to get to the next thing–that’s just wishing for less time.”

​- John Mayer

A nice little reminder that as you are excited for the next chapter in your Pursuit, or anxious about discovering what might be next, don't overlook the present moment and wish to be in the future.

I know I'm guilty of doing this, and I'm sure many of the readers of the Daily Notes are as well.

Don't forget while the future version of your Self is exciting, it has a shorter lifespan than your current version---and the future isn't guaranteed.

So be excited about what is to come, but don't wish away today.

You can be excited about both!

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



what do you actually want?


be careful who you take advice from