You Don’t Know Your Impact

In The Creative Act, Rick Rubin shares that as a Creative, it is not your role to determine if your art is “good” or “bad”. Your role as the creator of the art is to create, share, and allow the consumers of your work to determine what the art means to them.

This is also true with the skills, talents, and gifts you might be holding back.

When I first started writing the Daily Notes, I quickly realized that each day’s note was not going to impact readers the same way. The same note that didn’t turn on a lightbulb for one reader might have been just the note another needed to read to break through a block to continue on their Pursuit—for the first reader, the note was just okay, but for the other, it made a massive impact.

I can’t know how each day’s note will be received, and it’s not my responsibility to evaluate the impact of my note before hitting publish. My responsibility is to share what is on my heart each morning, write as well as I can in the allotted time, and hit publish to let the world determine the impact of the note—and determine it individual by individual and hope the notes are impactful more days than not, or the amount of impact when they “hit” makes up for the days the notes aren’t as impactful.

You have been blessed with different skills, talents, and gifts—some of these you are holding back because you don’t think they will impact the lives of others. Well, you’ll never know if you don’t share them, and you will never know HOW your skills, talents, and gifts will make an impact—it’s not your responsibility to determine that anyway.

Your responsibility is just to share them to the best of your ability.

As you share your skills, talents, and gifts with the world, you might just find your Self stepping into a new version of YOU and moving closer to your authentic life, which becomes a win-win.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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