Embrace The Pivot

As you experiment with different versions of your Self on your Pursuit, you will inevitably realize that not all experiments and experiences are meant to be continued indefinitely.

Once you realize the version of your Self you are experimenting with no longer aligns with your Pursuit, don’t think twice about pivoting back to what you were doing before. Don’t worry, your time spent experimenting will not be wasted–you will have at least learned a few things that will be beneficial on your Pursuit and future experiments and experiences.

You will have learned WHY that version of your Self is not the one for you.
You will have learned WHY the version of your Self you are pivoting back to is better suited for your Pursuit.
You might even pick up some new skills, interests, and direction that you will bring with you on your Pursuit.

Don’t be afraid to experience different versions of your Self, even if it is in small ways, because you might get it wrong. 

Embrace the pivot.

Each experiment that results in a pivot moves you one step closer to your authentic Self and life, along with exposing you to new people, places, and ideas that will have a lasting impact on you that you would never know about without experimenting.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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