Inspirations From Others

As you pursue your authentic life, it is inevitable that you will become stuck or not know how to execute some of the changes you are looking to make. Do not let this feeling of not knowing how stop your Pursuit and keep you from experiencing your authentic life.

Instead of binge-watching the latest Netflix show or watching the trainwreck lives on reality TV, head over to YouTube, Apple Podcasts, or your library. The inspiration to move you past the creative block and keep you from moving forward might just be in the story of someone else who has been there before. 

A friend shared a podcast episode with me over the weekend that he said may have totally changed the trajectory of his career–after listening to the episode once, with a second time to take notes coming this week, I can say the same thing. I’ll be sharing the podcast episode in another email today for email subscribers–if you’re not getting the Daily Notes directly in your inbox each morning, you can subscribe here for bonus emails. The story of the guests was not only inspiring, but the strategy they implemented set a light bulb off in my head; it’s not that their exact strategy will work for me, but I was able to listen to what they are doing and envision how I could implement in my own way for my goals.

Don’t make the mistake of believing you have to think of everything your Self or develop your blueprint from scratch. The greatest innovators and entrepreneurs pull inspiration from others to get started. Sometimes it’s just someone else’s idea that sparks a new idea for you, and sometimes you begin with the same framework and customize it to fit your needs.

The libraries in YouTube, Apple Podcasts and Spotify, and your physical library are full of stories of people who have built, or continue to pursue, their authentic lives. Learn from their stories–not only get ideas and be inspired by them but also learn what didn’t work for them so you can avoid the same mistakes.

If you’re serious about your Pursuit, skip the mindless entertainment and choose the entertainment that might just inspire you to break through to the next level in your Pursuit.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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