It Doesn’t Get Easier

It will never be easier to start a new habit, pursue a new passion, or begin to make a meaningful change in your life than today.

Yet, most diets or new workout programs are supposed to start on Monday…and then the next Monday…and then the next…or maybe that’s just me.

No matter what you are looking to start (or stop), delaying to get everything “right” or squeeze in one last time is not going to make it easier to begin in the future. Not only will you face the same procrastination in the future, but you will have less time to reach your goal or benefit from the changes you seek to make.

Whatever you want to do, start today—don’t delay because it won’t be any easier in the future, and you won’t have as much time to enjoy the new version of your Self you are seeking to become.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Shining In The Light


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