New Chapters

Today is the last day of summer break. 

Tomorrow, each of the boys starts a new chapter in the story of their lives—in particular, in the childhood education part of their stories. To celebrate the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one, I thought I’d take a different approach to the rest of today’s Daily Note.

School starts
New chapters begin
New buildings
New teachers
New friends
Some friends carry on, while some don’t
Thankfully. the boys are excited about their new chapter
Thankfully, the boys are not holding onto the last chapter
They haven’t forgotten, but they aren’t living in the past 
A reminder that our Pursuit is a series of chapters
Some long
Some short
Some have the same characters
Some have new characters
Sometimes, characters’ roles change
You are the author of your story
You have the opportunity to write each chapter—don’t forget that 
Avoid allowing others to write your chapters
When not in control of the pen, unhappiness, frustration, and lack of purpose arise
Own the pen
Be thankful for the completed chapters, but don’t cling to them
Embrace new chapters
Never forget YOU are the author

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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