Minde Over Money
Your mindset will not solve your financial problems or meet your goals alone.
Your financial problems and goals will not be solved or met without your mind.
Limiting talk, lack of confidence, negativity, and other low-vibration mindsets will keep you from aligning your financial plan with the needs and goals of your authentic life. In order for anything to be possible, you first have to believe it—not just hope but actually believe that you will achieve whatever it might be. The mind’s impact on achieving your financial goals and finding alignment with your authentic life is not talked about very much by financial advisors for a few reasons.
First, financial advisors are not trained to take into consideration the mind’s limiting or enhancing power in a financial plan. Most financial advisors are trained in the core financial planning principles, sales, and maybe a little communication and skills. Until recently, the financial advice and planning profession has primarily been about investments—only in the last decade has it begun to shift toward financial planning, and recently more advisors are embracing life planning which takes financial planning deeper—LifeDesign+ is in the life planning category.
Second, financial advisors cannot track or measure “mindset”. There is no way to pipe mindset into financial planning software and project how much a positive mindset might enhance a financial plan. The truth is, there’s no way to actually know how much a positive mindset will contribute to a financial plan, other than the belief that it will and that a negative mindset will detract from the plan.
Third, it’s hard to recommend to someone, in addition to savings and other financial changes, they need to change their mindset. “If only you’d see the abundance in your life and look at the positives…” is probably not going to be received well by an individual under financial stress. But, just because it’s a hard recommendation does not mean financial advisors should not avoid the conversation.
Finally, most people are not ready to see the connection between the mind and their finances. This connection is not something we are taught and can fall into the “woo-woo” category, which automatically is disqualified as legitimate advice by most people. So, if individuals aren’t ready to hear advice involving monitoring their mindset and energetic vibrational levels, then mindset will continue to be omitted from financial planning conversations…well, not if I have anything to say about it.
So no, a positive mindset alone will not do all of the work to align your financial plan with your authentic life. But, a negative mindset will almost ensure your authentic life never becomes a reality and the financial stresses that burden you today will continue in the future.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,