Let Your Self Ascend
Let your Self be as great as you want to be—or maybe “great” isn’t the right word. Maybe, it’s let your Self ascend as high as you want to go…yes, I think that it is it.
Let your Self ascend as high as you want to go.
Settling for “great”, despite being an admirable goal, might keep you from reaching the heights you seek. For example, I live a great life. I have little to complain about, I’m pursuing my authentic life and am happy. If I were to accept where I am today as my version of “enough” I would have a great life.
But, I have the desire to continue to ascend higher.
I have a message I feel more people need to hear and I have a skill set that can impact the lives of more people than I am today, which requires me to continue to learn, grow, share, and ascend higher.
For me, ascension is not necessarily about fame and notoriety, although maybe that is a part of my longer Pursuit, who knows,—and for you, it might be. When I think about ascending higher, it’s more about increasing my awareness, my consciousness, my understanding of “the authentic life, continuing to align my spirit, mind, body, and money, and becoming easier to find by the people who need to read/hear/see what I have to share.
There isn’t a metric I’m currently aware of that will tell me when I’ve ascended to the level I need to reach—I believe it will be one of those feelings and I’ll know when I get there.
I’ve recently realized there are two essential factors that impact your ability to ascend higher.
The first is physical. It’s the reading, creating, studying, networking, journaling, meditating, and other actions you take to grow, gain more expertise, and expand your reach.
The second is mental. It’s believing you can ascend higher. It’s believing you deserve to ascend higher. It’s believing you can handle everything that may come with the level you desire to reach—and again, this does not mean you seek to become famous. With every new level you ascend to comes more responsibility, knowledge, and potentially new obstacles. Please don’t lose the desire to ascend because you think it means you are striving to become the next superstar in whatever it is that you do.
It probably comes as no surprise, but the second factor is the most important and the biggest anchor keeping people, myself included, from reaching their highest level and greatest impact.
We’ve been told countless stories throughout our lives that impact how we view ascending higher and whatever may come with it. There is fear of the unknown that keeps us comfortable with the status quote. There is the worry of what others might think if we shared where we want to go.
You can do all of the physical work but if you don’t master the mental of allowing your Self to ascend you will never reach the highest level you see. Without your mind, the physical will never arrive.
Keep doing the physical work for growth but make sure you are working through the narratives in your mind that are preventing you from breaking through and ascending to the higher level you seek to make the greatest impact in the world.
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,