Writing Daily Affirmations

There is something magical about the impact of writing out affirmations. We’re often encouraged to recite daily affirmations, which I happen to do still, but I’ve noticed a difference in the affirmations I recite to myself and the ones I write down each day on my PRST Daily Planner. 

It may just be what works best for me, but the affirmations I write out each day have come to be much faster than the ones I only recite. This could merely be a coincidence but since I don’t believe in coincidences, that can’t be the answer for the difference in writing vs. reciting.

When I look back over the first three months of writing my daily affirmations (I only write three out of ten) I recognize the belief in the written ones is stronger than those recited. In the early days, I would write the affirmations with the same conviction as I would say them–it was more of “this is where I really want to be” vs. “this is who I am or where I am”, which is how I feel when I write my affirmations today.

I have a couple of personal observations as to why I think writing your affirmations is more effective than just reciting them:

  • When I write my affirmation each morning, I am also reciting it (for a second time) while writing it down on paper. Maybe it’s the duplicate recital or maybe there is something special about putting the thought down on paper–I’m not sure and I don’t really need to know the “why” behind it…I just know it works.

  • When you write the same thing each morning, you naturally begin to believe it more. As I mentioned earlier, when I first started writing I wrote with little conviction— “I hope”. The more I saw the statement in front of me the more I began to believe it was possible– “why not me?”. And, it eventually evolved into believing it was true–“I am that”. Repetition brings conviction, belief, and ownership of what you are writing.

One of my written daily affirmations is, “I am a highly sought-after paid speaker on the authentic life and the connection of mind, body, spirit, and money”. 

I’ve done a lot of public speaking in my career via panels, small groups, and webinars–I absolutely love speaking and I think pretty good on stage and continue to get better, and more importantly, I believe I have something important to share with audiences. Despite this passion and self-confidence, I’ve only had two paid speaking engagements prior to this year—everything else has been free and for exposure. 

Next week, I get to speak to a women’s group of a local organization about finance–but from the angle of connecting spirit, mind, body, and money…this was WHY they asked me to come to talk. 

And it’s paid.

My daily affirmation is coming true…I am a paid speaker on the authentic life and the connection of mind, body, spirit, and money, and before too long, the “highly sought-after” part will be true.

I know there are other factors that contributed to this daily affirmation coming true, like writing a Daily Note for over 100 consecutive days, recording podcasts and videos, and staking my claim on the topic. But, I’m not sure I continue with all of these if I did not have the conviction that “I am that guy” that writing the affirmation out each day has brought me.

If you aren’t writing your affirmations (or goals) out each day, pick one or two and start writing them down. Grab a notebook. Download the PRST daily planner. Write them on Post-It notes. Just write it down and see if your want turns into a belief that turns into a conviction that turns into truth.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



You Don’t Always Have To know


Gracefully Letting Go