Good Company> Alone

Leonardo da Vinci is quoted as saying, “Drawing in company is much better than alone.” He understood that even though he was one of the greatest thinkers and artists we’ve ever seen (he did not know that then), his best works would be created in the company of others. The inspiration, ideas, thought-provoking conversations, challenges, and support Leonardo received from the individuals he created around would help him see the world differently, which fed into his creative works. 

Leonardo was brilliant and surely would have created masterpieces had he been a hermit and shut off from others, but he would not have become the great Leonardo da Vinci without the community he was surrounded by. 

When surrounded by supportive, ambitious, like-minded, and caring people you can’t help but be a better version of your Self. Human beings are not met to go through life alone–we are communal beings and the community you allow to surround your Self has a great impact on your mindset, happiness, productivity, self-worth, and ultimately your ability to live your authentic life.

Take a look at the community you have chosen for this current phase of your pursuit. Is it filled with people helping you become your version of Leonardo Da Vinci? Or is it filled with people looking to hold you down because they are unhappy, frustrated, and unable to find their authentic life to pursue?

You may not believe this but you do CHOOSE the people you surround your Self with. If people in your life do not encourage, inspire, support, and love you, they do not need to remain a part of your community. You may feel stuck with the cancerous people in your life, whether in person or in your virtual world, but you don’t owe anyone the opportunity to hold you back from your authentic life and happiness. It’s not always an easy process to clean up your community but it is more than worth the tough conversations, emotions, and disappointment that comes in the short term.

If one of the greatest minds in history acknowledged he was the best version of his Self when surrounded by others, the same is true for you–just make sure the company you keep is moving you closer to your authentic life and not holding you back.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Gracefully Letting Go

