Wise Words From My Grandmother

It’s spring break for the boys and we made a quick trip to see my grandmother in Western Pennsylvania. She’s 92 years old, still living independently in the house my mom and aunts grew up in, and is now showing signs of her age.

When we were visiting with her yesterday, she mentioned something a friend had told her that she agreed with. This friend said if he knew he was going to live to be as old as he was (in his 90s as well) he would have taken better care of himself. 

I quickly reminded her that she was still living on her own at 92, had just recently decided not to drive and not because she couldn’t see but because of her lack of strength, has been handling all of her affairs since my grandfather passed away almost 14 years ago, and her two battles with breast cancer have been her only health “scares”. I told her she had done a pretty good job of caring for herself over the years. 

I don’t know what more she could have done…maybe some weight training? She ate healthily, was active spring through fall in her garden and taking care of the yard, and had enough social interaction to keep her mind sharp. There really wasn’t much more that I think she could have done–she’s a great example of how living a healthy life doesn’t have to be complicated.

“If I knew I was going to live to be this old, I would have taken better care of myself.”

As I thought more about my grandmother’s comment, I’m not so sure if she really believed it despite saying she agreed with her friend. I know she’s frustrated to see herself slow down and lose a little of her freedom (not driving) but I also know she’s ready to go be with my grandfather–she told me this a couple of months ago. Although she doesn’t know about my Daily Notes, I think she said this to give me inspiration for today’s note. 

How are your habits today setting your future Self up to feel? 

Will the 70, 80, or 90-year-old version of you be thanking your current Self for taking care of your self or will you be like my grandmother’s friend wishing you could go back in time to make some important changes?

An unscientific and probably flawed check for how you might feel in the future is to see how you feel today. If you are in bad health or feel bad today, then there is probably a good chance your future Self isn’t doing too well either. The older you get the harder it will be to get yourself into shape, reverse some of the reversible ailments, and feel better.

So start today.

It’s not complicated to give your Self the best chance possible at being healthy later in life–my grandmother’s simple life is a perfect example of this.

  • Eat better. 

  • Move more. 

  • Get more sleep. 

  • Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people on the same mission.

  • Do more things you love.

Just because it’s not complicated doesn’t mean it’s easy–but nothing worth doing in life is easy and your future Self deserves the highest quality of life you can give it.

So listen to my grandmother…she is your future Self talking to you today.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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