You Must Bring Action To Your Vision

“Vision without execution is hallucination.”

- Walter Isaacson, Leonardo Da Vinci

At the recommendation of a friend I just started reading Walter Isaacson’s biography of Leonardo Da Vinci and was struck by a line by Isaacson in the beginning pages… “vision without execution is hallucination.” In a book over 600 pages, this simple sentence may be the most impactful line of them all—it’s so simple yet powerful.

I’ve written and talked a lot about envisioning your authentic life and embodying the version of your Self that you would like to become but I don’t think I’ve stressed enough the importance of taking action and putting in the work. 

One of my biggest pet peeves with content discussing manifestation, the law of attraction, and other forces that can help bring you to your authentic life is they typically neglect that an important part of the equation is taking action to move in the direction you want to go. Most people are looking for a cheat code and an easy answer to solve their problems, so making hard work a part of the solution isn’t as attractive to the consumer.  

I want to avoid being another source that just encourages you to write down, visualize, and want your authentic life and it will come to you—you do need to do all of those things but your authentic life will never come if you don’t do your part and put in the work. The Universe does not simply bring you everything you desire, it works with you to bring you to your authentic life—it will not do all of the work on its own.

So, remember as Walter Isaacson suggests, if all you’re doing is visualizing, embodying, and wanting you’re merely hallucinating and the authentic life you desire will never fully be yours.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Wise Words From My Grandmother


Purposefully Moving Slow