is your health an asset or a liability?
Yesterday I hosted a conversation in The AGC™ with Stevyn Guinnip, and by hosted, I mean I introduced Stevyn to the group, chimed in a couple of times, and then wrapped up the session–the best thing I could have done (and did) was stay out of her way because the talk was outstanding!
One of Stevyn’s quotes that stood out to me was when she asked the group, “Is your health an asset or a liability?”
The framing of her question and her perspective was one of those simple shifts that can cause the light bulb to go off for people; it’s similar to when I started to look at how I spend my energy each day, not my time. When I made that simple shift in perspective it allowed me to really take an honest look at my day, my habits and activities, and prioritize where I want to spend my energy, which ultimately dictates my time.
Thinking about health as an asset and a liability feels the same for me.
By no means am I a health expert who does everything “perfect,” although I was glad to see I was in the “green” in one of her charts and in her personal assessment on her website. So, right now, my health appears to be an asset.
But can I make it an even larger asset—can I continue to help it compound over time?
I had an epiphany a couple of years back that it would be easier to get my Self back into good physical shape at 40 than it would be at 60, and thanks to a Peter Attia podcast when he shared that he views each day as a training day for his goals when he is 90–another slight change in perspective that proved to be very meaningful in my Pursuit. Attia’s approach, and now mine, is taking the compounding effect of doing a little work each day to make sure we’re in better shape later–it’s a lot easier to maintain wellness at 60 than reverse it.
Take a look at your health–and be honest. Is it an asset or liability for you?
What will you do about it?
See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,