Try Something New

I spent an hour and half of a four hour flight to Las Vegas last night working on a sketch. I’ve had an image in my mind for the last few weeks and wanted to get it down on paper—not sure if the image ever evolves beyond an exercise in sketching. And I don’t really care. I didn’t spend the time perfecting different aspects of the image with the intent of it becoming something more than a sketch. It was an opportunity to tap into a different area of creativity and try to communicate in a different format.

It was an opportunity to try something new.

I don’t sit down to draw very often—in fact, I can’t remember the last time I spent any time working on a sketch. This is despite my appreciation of art and the individuals who bring their visions to existence on canvas (or their favorite medium). My Instagram feed is filled with artists who inspire me with their creations and my office suite is slowly becoming an art gallery—one day I hope to have a bunch of original pieces but for now I showcase prints. I’m even going to be getting a membership to the Indiana Museum of Art to spend one day a month working from there—I’ll spend part of the morning walking around looking at the art getting inspired and then spend the rest of the day working with the creative energy flowing around me.

I’m also fascinated by the way some artists become famous and revered while other artists, whose work is equally impressive, remain unknown. The psychology behind art is fascinating and it’s the only subject I can think of where the creation of a child could be indistinguishable from the work of a famous artist.

Yet, I rarely take the time to allow myself to express my inner Creator in an outlet that I enjoy so much.

What is something you enjoy as a spectator but never as a participant? 

Take some time and allow yourself to participate. Experience what it is like being that version of You and see what you learn. It might lead you to realize you enjoy being a spectator and that participation is not important to you. It might lead you to realize you have a talent you have neglected and should explore. It might lead to a new passion that becomes the guide for the next phase of your pursuit.

But, you’ll never know if you don’t try something new.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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