We’re All Trying To Figure It Out

Whether you’re already living your authentic life, in the Pursuit of it, or still trying to figure out what the hell your authentic life looks like, you will eventually feel like you’re the only one who doesn’t know what you’re doing.

You look at some of your friends, your mentors, and “successful” people in awe and wonder how they seem to have everything figured out. It’s like they have their next move calculated and do everything with intent. 

Meanwhile, you are trying to figure out who you really are, what you want in life, and what your next moves will be to continue the pursuit of your authentic life.

Let me put you on to a little secret…

Those friends, mentors, and “successful” people you are comparing yourself to don’t know what they are doing either.

I’m not sharing this secret because I am one of those people, rather a messenger from them. I’m the “you” in this note. But, I’ve had enough conversations with people who we would assume have it all figured out and know exactly what they are doing and they’ve shared they feel the same way as you and I–they are looking at their friends, mentors, and “successful” people trying to figure out how they do it.


And someone is looking up at us.

Not only should you find comfort that you are not alone and the people you admire are figuring things out just like you, but somewhere there is another individual looking at YOU wondering how you have everything together.

Yes. You are someone’s comparison and inspiration.

So, the next time you are feeling frustrated, stuck, or even scared give yourself a little grace. We’re all trying to figure out things as we go…you are not alone and eventually you’ll find the alignment in your life you are seeking and you’ll continue on your pursuit.

And, should someone reach out to you to “pick your brain” and you can tell they are genuine in their ask of your advice, consider making some time for them and sharing what you’ve learned in your pursuit to help them in theirs. 

No good deed goes unnoticed by The Universe.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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