Are You Missing Nudges From The universe?

Have you ever randomly thought about someone, only to receive a phone call or text message from them later that day?

There are powerful forces at work that we cannot see but we certainly experience–we are all connected in more ways that we understand. We’ve talked about winks from the Universe, which tend to be visual and external communications; nudges are internal, harder to explain, and tend to just come to us without any warning.

These nudges are a silent connector between all of us.


In the fall of 2022 I made a quick trip to NYC and ended up meeting a charming young man from Algeria named Salah. We had a great conversation on the way to my hotel from Laguardia International Airport and I asked him to pick me up the next morning to take me back to the airport for my return flight. 

I recorded some video during the drive and asked him some questions about his decision to leave Algeria for the U.S. and expressed my inner Creator by making a Short for PRST combining the video and the recorded conversation. Before heading into Laguardia I told Salah that I would give him a call next time I was in NYC and if he was still driving a cab, I’d hire him to pick me up and if he wasn’t, which was my hope, we’d meet up for coffee to catch up.

For some reason on February 7th, I sent Salah a text. He crossed my mind and I thought I’d check in to see how he had been doing since my trip. I watched the Short again and went on with my day. Late in the evening I received a text back from him sharing that he was still driving the taxi but he was studying and working towards earning a degree. 

He also informed me it was also his birthday.

I had no way of knowing this—but I know it was not a coincidence that I thought of him and reached out to him, of all days, on his birthday. 

The Universe gave me that little nudge to reach out to my friend, who is really a stranger given I’ve only spent an hour or so in a cab with him, to check in on him on a special day. 

You are receiving nudges like this from the Universe but you may not be aware of them.

Since working to align my spirit, mind, and body, I’ve begun to receive nudges like this with regular frequency, and I expect my awareness of the Universe’s nudges to continue to increase as I strengthen my alignment. 

Nudges from the Universe are another reason to work on aligning your spirit, mind, and body. Receiving nudges like the one I received for Salah are an advantage as you pursue your authentic life. Sometimes the nudges are to connect you with someone at just the right time and sometimes the nudges help you with working through an important decision–don’t ignore them when they come.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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