When One Door Closes

Another one opens,

if you allow your Self to see it.

We typically talk about doors being closed after an unexpected trauma like being laid off, the end of a relationship, or losing a client to a competitor. I’m not sure that when we are told everything will work out because “when one door closes, another one opens” the person saying it genuinely believes it or is just saying it because it seems like the right thing to say.

The good new is it doesn’t matter if they believe it—it matters only if YOU believe it.

It is true that in order for a door to open, one has to close. So whatever door is closing is actually positive for you, even if it doesn’t seem like it in the moment. If you are able to see the opportunity in the loss you are experiencing, the next door reveals itself to take you further on your journey.


Another way to view the opportunity of a door closing is to understand the Universe seeks to maintain balance and if a door is closed, a new one must open to maintain balance. A new door HAS to open.

What lies on the other side of the door is influenced by how you handle the closed door—if you are able to stay positive and maintain a high frequency through the transition, it will attract positive energy on the other side. But, if you are not able to move pass the low frequency emotions of the shock, the door that opens will lead to negative energy on the other side.

When you experience a door closing, allow yourself to feel—feel sad, feel angry, and just feel all of the emotions. You can’t skip this step of the process. You have let your emotions be but not allow them to consume you.

Once you’re done feeling, look to recenter your focus and energy in a positive way by expressing gratitude—gratitude for the lessons learned and knowledge gained, gratitude for being released from a situation you might not have left on your own, and gratitude for the opportunities to come through the next door.

Gratitude is always a great north star.

You don’t have to be excited about a door being closed on you, at least not initially, but trust that a new door is opening to new more exciting opportunities and if you allow it, this new door will take you closer toward your authentic life.

And don’t forget one of my all time favorite quotes,

“There’s beauty in completion. And always faith in the unknown.”

-Kendrick Lamar

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



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