Authentic Life (1.7.23)

In my daily note on New Year’s Day I mentioned a new concept—authentic life.

“I am a highly sought after paid speaker on the connection of mind, body, spirit, and money in our PRST (pursuit) for our authentic life.”

The concept of our authentic life is one that I plan to expand on in much greater detail but for now I want to introduce the concept and flush out some of my thoughts.

When I first started explaining to people what the new brand PRST was about I would always ramble trying to find the right words to capture the mission behind it. My explanation often went something like, “I want to see more people living the life they truly want—the life they were supposed to live. Most people are going through life on a path that was determined for them by someone else. And sadly, many don’t realize they have more control of their life. I want more people to find what I’ve found and to realize there’s more to living than going through the motions and being unhappy.”


But on 1.1.23 it clicked—I was in my morning meditation coming up with my affirmations for the new year and when I came to the one about being a paid speaker I stopped after ‘money’. As I sat there the affirmation just felt incomplete. Out of nowhere, and truthfully I don’t remember how it happened, but the words authentic life came to ma and my affirmation was complete.

That longwinded response I had been frustrated sharing had been simplified to “authentic life”; PRST exists to help more people find and live their authentic life—pursue authentic living.

In short, since this is just a note, your authentic life is the life you feel called to live. It is guided by your heart. It allows your to be the best version of yourself, which as Ram Dass taught is your greatest gift to the world.

Your authentic life is not defined by income, net worth, material possession. Although, it is my belief when you find your authentic life those fall in line with what you want and need.

Ultimately, your authentic life is defined by YOU and only you can know if you’re living it.

Don’t get it twisted…living your authentic life does not mean you live a perfect life. Your authentic life does not make you immune to sadness, being hurt, disappointment, sickness, or some things not going your way. But, the good news is when you are authentic living those challenges become easier to overcome because the rest of your life is in alignment, allowing you to process and move on turning those experiences into learning lessons.


New Year’s Day 2023 brought a moment of clarity—I have no doubt I will look back on my PRST and it will be an instrumental day in my journey. “Authentic life” was an important puzzle piece I had been missing.

Do me a favor…

After reading this take a few minutes and reflect on what percentage of your authentic life are you living.

You don’t need to do anything else (for now) other than give yourself a percentage between 0-100%.

How do you feel about that?

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



It’s Not Always As It Seems (1.8.23)


Simplicity (1.6.23)