Change You, Change Your World

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”


If there are aspects of your life that you do not like, you can try to change the world, which you have no control over, or you can work on changing your Self–which includes the people you surround your Self with, the content you consume, foods you eat, self-care you practice, etc.

By doing this, you might notice that the “world” you find your Self living in also changes.

We are all on the same planet at the same time and are subject to overlapping world events, circumstances, and limitations, yet we each are living in our own little worlds. This is why you can talk to one person who sees that the end of time is near and immediately talk to another person who believes there has been no better time to be alive despite the world’s imperfections.

Two people, same planet, but two different worlds.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



Setting Your Internal Tuner


You’re Stronger Than You Ever Imagined