the sights and sounds of presence

I was working on our patio yesterday morning, and I stopped for a moment to just be.

I took a few deep breaths, closed my eyes to clear my mind, and when I opened them again, I just focused on being present.

I noticed the birds chirping sounded louder and more clear.
I noticed the leaves rustling in the wind sounding more musical than just leaves.
I noticed the sky seemed bluer and the clouds whiter.
I even heard the buzz of a bug (not sure what kind) as it flew by.

There were no smells of freshly cut grass, laundry, or someone cooking, but I can only imagine the fragrance would have been much more intense than usual.

During those few moments away from the administrative work I was completing, everything seemed more vibrant, beautiful, and alive.

We all live busy lives and are always on the go, thinking about what we must do next, or replaying how we would have done something differently.

In the organized chaos of life, we miss the opportunity to experience the beauty and peace that is the present moment—everything is more vibrant, charming, and enjoyable in the now, and we rarely take the chance to soak it all in.

Find just a couple of minutes today to disconnect from all that is happening and tap into the present moment. No matter where you are, I’m willing to bet it becomes more beautiful, energizing, and enjoyable in those moments of presence.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



putting things off


the heart’s power