the heart’s power

A friend sent me the latest episode of the Rich Roll podcast, which I would have listened to later this week. As I listened to it this morning, I felt a sense of confidence overcome me.

I’ve been discussing the alignment of spirit, mind, and body for a while now (mental note: go back and see WHEN I started talking about this alignment), and my belief in its importance has been based on my experience and feelings. I know there are science and studies that back up how important our spirituality, mind, and body are in living a whole and happy life, but I haven’t spent the time to seek those studies out and incorporate them into my writing, podcasts, and videos. There will come a time for that, but I’m not the type of person who needs to see data when I’ve felt and experienced something.

Back to the Rich Roll podcast…the guest, whom I’m slightly aware of and have an earlier book of hers, has a new book about the power of our hearts–and it’s not the power you’re probably thinking about.

I listened with a huge smile on my face as she shared some of the studies included in her book about the impact of having coherence between the heart and the mind, along with highlighting how so many of us are stuck living in our heads and that the answer to our frustrations, unhappiness, and discontentment starts with our hearts.

You might wonder why I’m so excited about hearing someone speak (and share science) about the heart when my alignment is spirit, mind, body, and money.

Well, if you’ve listened to the LifeDesign+ podcast, watched some of the Keep Pursuing talks, or read most of my Daily Notes, you’ll remember that I believe our heart is our direct line to our higher power–it’s through our heart that we receive the direction, messages, and clues about the person we were created to be.

So, although I may not always reference the heart, it is a very important component of mastering the art of living your authentic life, and someone with a much larger reach than me is bringing attention to the heart and all of its wonder.

And, I won’t lie, it makes me feel good to know that the conclusions I’ve come to so far through my experiences, thoughts, exploration, and research, although not academic research, are validated by others I respect.

This week’s Rich Roll episode with Kimberly Snyder is just another nod from the Universe to keep pursuing!

And a nod for you to spend some time connecting with your heart!

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



the sights and sounds of presence


were you the person you wanted to be?