the source of criticism

"You’ll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You’ll always be criticized by someone doing less.”

- misattributed quote to Denzel Washington

The true source of this quote is unknown, at least in my quick research, but it doesn’t make it less meaningful.

Chances are, if you are pursuing your authentic life, you are embarking on something new, taking a risk and betting on your Self, and displaying a level of confidence that most people cannot fathom.

As the quote suggests, those who cannot do what you are doing will always have negative comments trying to keep you from elevating to the higher version of your Self you that you are pursuing.

It’s jealousy.
It’s fear.
It’s self-doubt.

All of these lead to the criticism you may receive, which you should just ignore.

And all those people doing more than you don’t have time to criticize because they are too busy pursuing their authentic lives, and they understand that the negative energy of criticism will only slow down their own progress.

Remember that for when you feel the urge to criticize someone else–but if you’re reading this, I doubt you will.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



you are a brand


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