intuition and your financial plan

“Intuition is the whisper of the soul.”

– Jiddu Krishnamurti

When I have decisions to make, I find my Self looking inward for guidance.

I’ve always trusted my gut, but it wasn’t until the last couple of years that I intentionally sought to consult with my intuition when making important decisions. My intuition usually speaks loudly and clearly, even if I don’t necessarily like what it tells me.

The clarity of my intuition’s guidance has continued to improve the more aligned my spirit, mind, and body are. If I have something important to work through, my meditation, exercise, and journaling become even more critical and become a priority.

If your intuition is speaking loudly or clearly to you, try to find more alignment with your spirit, mind, and body to see if the communication from within becomes more accessible to receive. And don’t forget to look for signs from the Universe as confirmation or to provide more clarity.

An example of the combo of intuition and signs from the Universe occurred just last evening:

To keep a long story short, we weren’t in the market for a new house, but by “chance,” a house came across our radar that our whole family loves and is a neighborhood I have always said would be one of the few neighborhoods I’d ever move to if we ever decided to move. After Leo’s basketball game, we decided to drive by and check it out from the outside, and as we were making our way to the back patio, we came across a small frog in the grass.

To the iPhone I went and, of course, found this:

“In cultures across the world, frogs are thought to indicate good luck, wealth, and abundance. Spiritually speaking, seeing a frog is typically considered a positive sign, indicating imminent good fortune.”


“ As such, the spiritual meaning of a frog sighting may be that you are currently experiencing (or about to experience) a shift that will make you more resilient and adaptable.”

Some might consider the frog's visit a coincidence, but you already know I don’t believe in coincidences. The frog's location was not one you’d expect to see—there was no water nearby, no creek, and nothing that would have placed a frog in that location.

Where I sit this morning, I am experiencing an unclear message from my intuition, which I know will become clearer with more time and a focus on alignment of spirit, mind, and body, and a positive sign from the Universe.

Tapping into your intuition and receiving signs from the Universe can bring clarity to major financial decisions, such as purchasing a new house. There is an obvious need to run numbers and see how a major purchase could change your plan, but sometimes the numbers do not provide an obvious answer—more of an answer that suggests you can do it, but there might be some tradeoffs.

Evaluating tradeoffs is not always easy because it involves imagining what life might be like if you made some cuts or adjustments to your lifestyle. When evaluating tradeoffs, I think it is easy to lie to your Self about how you would adjust. This is where your intuition can help you determine whether or not the decision is right.

Your intuition is an important part of your financial plan that is rarely discussed or considered in the financial planning process—and I understand why. We can’t measure intuition, it’s not in the financial advisor curriculum, and it falls in the “woo” category that most advisors avoid. However, it might be the most powerful tool to confirm decisions when the numbers “work,” but there might be some reservations about what to do.

I wouldn’t recommend trusting your intuition for the first time on a significant financial decision; start tuning into it with more minor choices, working on finding the right way to align your spirit, mind, and body, and learning how your intuition communicates with you so when the major decisions come, you are more confident in trusting the communications you will receive.

Regarding the new house, I’ve moved into “surrender mode.” It would be an excellent home for the next phase of our life, the family loves it, and we can make the numbers work, but we will not rush into anything—if it’s meant to be, it’ll be, and I genuinely believe that. I'll continue to prioritize my meditation, exercise, and journaling to make sure I don't miss any communication from my intuition as I wait for things to unfold.

And honestly, not putting any pressure on making a quick decision makes the entire process less stressful.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



you are not your career


a whiptail lizard