exploring ideas that challenge you

Since reading The Light After Death earlier this week, I’ve written about and mentioned It numerous times in my notes and on social media; the initial mentions were because the book focuses on the importance of authenticity. It was encouraging to find such an emphasis on being authentic, pursuing authenticity, and living an authentic life–something I’ve come to believe strongly that, according to the book, is of great importance to God.

A gentle nod from the Universe to keep pursuing the path I’m on.

In addition to the gentle nod, the book also shared stories of what life is like after death that are similar to ones I’ve read in other books and have been told by people who have actually experienced it. I find these stories fascinating, but they challenge the beliefs I grew up with in the Catholic Church.

For example, The Light After Death explains that our soul’s primary goal is to learn through experience as a spiritual being in a physical body—meaning, our soul comes down to earth to learn for future experiences. After death, our soul goes back to process what was learned down on earth and evolve; this story is very similar to the ones told in Journey of Souls and even in the Disney movie Soul.

These stories also contradict the belief I grew up with that once we die, our soul goes to heaven and that we spend the rest of eternity there; reincarnation was never anything I believed in, but the more I read, experience, and reflect, I’m not so sure anymore.

Reading these stories that challenge (in a good way) my beliefs has forced me to look within my Self for clarity and answers. In the scenario of our soul’s mission being to learn, I look at some essential philosophies and understandings I’ve always lived my life by (like the law of attraction and the power of optimism) that I’m just now discovering that might have been lessons my soul learned in past experiences and carried with it to this one—I’m not sure, but I can’t say it’s not a possibility.

Looking inward for answers has been one of the most rewarding things I’ve done because it has moved me closer to my authentic Self.

It’s helped me learn more about what I believe as a truth and what I believe because it’s been I’ve been told I’m supposed to believe.

It’s helped me align my life with the beliefs that are true and authentic to me.

It’s helped me become more confident in my Self because I better know my Self.

It’s also helped me confirm beliefs I’ve always had—challenging doesn’t always have to lead to a change in beliefs or destroying a world you thought you knew. It can also reaffirm the values and beliefs you’ve always held.

If you’re serious about the Pursuit of your authentic life, I think it is important to read, listen, and watch things that gently challenge the values and beliefs you’ve held for so long. It’s the self-examination and reflection that follows that helps you discover more about your authentic Self and can send you down new paths you would have never found without the exploration of new ideas and possibilities.

See you tomorrow (or later today) and keep pursuing,



a whiptail lizard

