inspire others

“The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.”

- Kobe Bryant

Obviously, Kobe Bryant inspired and still inspires people to be great in whatever they want to do.

You may not believe you can have the same impact as Kobe, but you can—we all can inspire others to be the best at what they WANT to do.

Your words
Your actions.
Your support.
Your leadership.

All can inspire others to pursue their dreams, be their best, and live their authentic lives.

If you’ve ever experienced seeing someone else inspired by you, you know it’s a priceless feeling—it’s such a good feeling because the Universe wants us to inspire others. We are rewarded by a feeling that can’t described other than you have to experience it, and that feeling never lessens by inspiring others to be the best at what they want to do. We are supposed to inspire others.

Be mindful of your words, actions, support, and leadership because you never know who is watching and will be inspired (or discouraged) by you!

See you tomorrow (or later today---the Weekly Note is coming) and keep pursuing,



the treasure within you


ride with your people