time for you

When was the last time you took some time for your Self?

I’m talking about time away from work, family, friends, and the usual daily distractions; just some time to be with your thoughts, connect with your Inner Self, and make sure you are maintaining your personal alignment.

I’ll be honest, I don’t do it enough.

I'm supposed to visit my local art museum once a month for a few hours, walking around, taking in the creative works, and then spending a few hours in the environment doing some of my own creative work.

I haven’t been to the art museum since the spring.

I was reminded of the importance of finding time to connect with our Self—we have so many distractions, either self-imposed or caused by others, that we can go months, years, or even lifetimes without actually dealing with our Self–while editing today’s podcast, which should be hitting the players shortly after this Daily Note goes out.

Finding, living, and evolving with your authentic life will be difficult if you don’t find the time to check in with your Self.

Next week, I’ll have plenty of time to check in with my Self as I head to Sedona, Arizona, with a few financial advisor friends for our annual Mastermind/business planning/guys trip. Most of the trip will be centered around our businesses, but there will be time each day for hikes, exercise, meditation, and fewer distractions.

And I’ve scheduled my museum day for September.

When will you schedule some time to check in with your Self and how will you do it? (I’d love to hear, and maybe I can compile a list to share in The Weekly Note to give others ideas of how they might find the time to connect with their Self!)

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



ships are meant to sail


knowing when to ask for help