knowing when to ask for help

I’ve always wanted to be a music producer—specifically a hip-hop producer—more specifically, a Lofi producer.

I always thought I’d explore this version of myself later in life when I had the time to make it a priority—the retiree turned music producer seemed pretty cool to me. But then a project I’m working on required original music, and I didn’t know anyone who could be my producer, and I certainly didn’t have a budget to hire someone, so I decided it was time to embrace the music producer residing inside of me.

I made a few necessary purchases and took off to YouTube to get started.

Searching YouTube for videos was as far as I got. I quickly realized this was not a project I’d be able to tackle alone. I have no background in music except for learning to play the recorder in fourth grade, being a lifelong fan of hip-hop, and appreciating good production.

Once I realized I needed help, I took to my network to see if anyone I knew could connect me to a course or teacher. Thankfully, it didn’t take long as one of my longtime financial advisor friend’s brother is a producer and has been in the music industry for over 20 years.

Yesterday, I met with my teacher/coach, and we have a game plan in place to help me become the music producer I’ve always wanted to be and complete my project, which I think is going to be amazing. After the project is complete, I plan to continue making music and perfecting the craft for fun and to serve as the background music on all of my content.

Typically, I like to figure things out on my own. I don’t want to be an inconvenience to anyone else, and as I’ve shared in a previous note, I default to betting on my Self and not having to rely on someone else for my success (this narrative is being retired). However, this project and goal are important enough to me that I know I cannot do it on my own and that it was time to ask for help.

As I think about you pursuing your goals and authentic life, I hope you are able to know when it’s time to ask for help to get you to the next phase of your Pursuit.

See you tomorrow and keep pursuing,



time for you


a prayer for a good life